Believe it or not, it’s hard to know if your dental problem requires emergency attention just by taking a peek inside your mouth.
Initially, a broken tooth may not even hurt or bother you much, but don’t be fooled! Broken or severely damaged teeth can cause swelling, infection, or discomfort, even if you don’t feel pain right away.
Some common dental emergencies include:
Something as small as eating the wrong food or clenching your teeth too hard can cause your teeth to crack and break, so it’s important to call for help right away.
At Diamond Care Dental, our team prides itself on caring for each and every patient in times of emergency.
Some benefits of choosing Dr. Naina Kaushal Gogna and the Diamond Care Dental team include:
Remember: the sooner you schedule an appointment, the sooner you can get your dental health back on track after an emergency.
Before scheduling an emergency appointment, take a few steps to keep your oral health in check.
Should your tooth crack, do not continue chewing or biting until you can have your damaged tooth properly assessed.
If your tooth gets knocked out unexpectedly, the first step is to find your missing tooth!
Next, stop by your local pharmacy as soon as you can and pick up a bottle of Salt Solution, which helps clean the affected area or if you can’t get to a pharmacy grab a glass of milk and put it in there!
Last but not least, schedule an emergency appointment with your dentist right away, so they can get to work on assessing and repairing your tooth damage.
Again, sudden tooth pain, swelling, or bleeding can be a sign that something just isn’t right inside your mouth.
Call or book an appointment online today in Montgomery, NJ to learn more about how Diamond Care Dental can help you during a dental emergency.