Invisalign uses a series of clear aligners to gradually move your teeth into a proper, healthy, and esthetic position. The orthodontic treatment also closes the gaps between your teeth or eliminates any crowding you may have.
A consultation and full examination helps the team at Diamond Care Dental design your orthodontic treatment plan. After assessing the condition of your tooth alignment, we use in-office technology to create a custom plan for Invisalign to design and print your custom-made aligners.
Once you receive the aligners, you wear them up to 20-22 hours a day for best results. After one to two weeks in one set of aligners, you change to the next ones to continue your smile-straightening process.
Invisalign is effective in treating a number of smile concerns. These include:
Invisalign can also help you achieve generally straighter teeth.
You may have thought the only way to achieve a straight smile was with braces. Sure, braces have been around for years, and the metal brackets work. The downside: braces are noticeable!
Invisalign solves that problem. It’s the clear alternative to metal braces, brackets, and wires.
And Invisalign aligners are removable, so they don’t interfere with your lifestyle while eating, during sports participation, or when brushing and flossing. With braces, you must avoid specific foods that are crunchy and chewy to avoid breaking the brackets. Keeping good oral hygiene with braces is also challenging, but with Invisalign, your routine for cleaning your teeth doesn’t change.
When your aligners are returned from the Invisalign lab, you’ll return to Diamond Care Dental for an initial fitting. At this appointment, they’ll provide you with instructions for daily use, how to care for your aligners, and when to transition to a new set of aligners.
Your follow-up appointments will allow Dr. Naina Kaushal Gogna to monitor your progress toward a new smile -- with straight, healthy teeth.
Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Naina Kaushal Gogna to find out how orthodontic treatment can straighten your teeth and transform your smile.